Governing Body

The governing body of an educational trust typically includes a range of roles and responsibilities to ensure effective oversight and strategic direction. Here’s a general structure:

Governing Body Structure

  1. Board of Trustees/Directors
    • Chairperson: Leads the board, ensuring governance and strategic oversight.
    • Trustees/Directors: Provide oversight, support fundraising, and ensure alignment with the institution’s mission.
  2. Executive Leadership
    • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Principal: Oversees overall operations, implements board policies, and manages senior staff.
    • Vice Principals/Deputy CEOs: Assist the CEO/Principal in specific areas such as academics, administration, and finance.
  3. Dean/Head of Department: Responsible for academic programs, faculty development, and research initiatives.
  4. Faculty Committees: Include representatives from various academic departments to address curriculum development, research, and academic standards.

The governing body comprise of Managing Trustees & Nominees from the Universities.

1.Dr. Raju.M6Mr. Amal John
2.Mrs. Sindhumol Appukuttan7.Nominees from the University
3.Ms. Riya Raju8.Nominees from the University
5Mrs.Reeba Varghese10.Ms.Rini Raju