Vision & Mission


“Empowering Future Leaders in Hospitality and Tourism Excellence”

This vision emphasizes the institute’s commitment to:

  1. Academic Excellence: Striving for rigorous academic standards that equip students with industry-relevant knowledge and skills.
  2. Innovation and Creativity: Fostering a culture of innovation and creativity to address emerging trends and challenges in the hospitality and tourism sectors.
  3. Global Perspective: Cultivating a global mindset among students through international collaborations, diverse perspectives, and experiential learning opportunities.
  4. Ethical Leadership: Nurturing ethical leadership qualities that uphold integrity, sustainability, and social responsibility within the industry.
  5. Industry Integration: Establishing strong partnerships with industry leaders to ensure curriculum relevance, internships, and career placement opportunities.
  6. Community Engagement: Engaging with local communities to contribute positively to societal development and cultural understanding.

This vision statement encapsulates the institute’s aspiration to be a beacon of excellence, preparing graduates to lead and innovate in the dynamic fields of hospitality and tourism, while making a positive impact on a global scale.


This mission statement outlines the institute’s commitment to:

  1. Transformative Education: Offering a comprehensive and transformative educational experience that goes beyond academics to foster personal and professional growth.
  2. Leadership Preparation: Equipping students with the leadership skills, industry knowledge, and practical experience needed to excel in hospitality and tourism careers.
  3. Innovation and Industry Integration: Emphasizing innovation in teaching and learning methods, integrating real-world industry experiences, and forging partnerships with leading organizations.
  4. Global Perspective and Sustainability: Instilling a global perspective and a commitment to sustainable practices, preparing students to address global challenges in hospitality and tourism.
  5. Community Engagement: Engaging students in community service and experiential learning opportunities that contribute positively to local and global communities.

This mission statement reflects the institute’s dedication to excellence, innovation, and ethical leadership in preparing future professionals and leaders in the hospitality and tourism industry.